Love and care knitted into a scarf

Over 300 brightly coloured scarves adorn Keyes Avenue in Rosebank.

Hip hip hooray. The secret is out.

July 6 was Secret Scarf Mission day and St Teresa’s Senior Primary School in Rosebank together with 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela decorated Keyes Avenue with more than 300 brightly coloured scarves.

Learners and teachers at St Teresa’s School spend the morning giving away warm scarves. Photo: Supplied

Computer teacher and marketing liaison Lianda May said, “Each scarf made by our girls and their families and friends was draped, tied or hung along the fences, poles and trees in Keyes Avenue with a love note reading ‘I am not lost. If you are cold and need me, please take me,’.”

St Teresa’s Senior School Grade 5 learner Hannah von Flemming has all these warm scarves to give away. Photo: Supplied

She said the outpouring of love and care that went into knitting and crocheting each scarf was a joy to witness. “The pupils, parents and staff of St Teresa’s are proud to have been a part of this incredible campaign and hope that this love and care will envelop all those who chose a scarf today and who are feeling the chill of winter.”


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