Rosebank’s Capsicum chef shares the passion

Teacher at Capsicum’s Rosebank branch Ukhonaye Mconi believes being a chef is not a career but rather a passion.

A passionate young chef has come full circle. Ukhonaye Mconi, who studied his craft at Capsicum Culinary Studio, has returned to his alma mater as a chef lecturer.

Mconi – who currently lives in Ferndale – teaches at Capsicum’s Rosebank, Johannesburg branch.

He said he enjoys being on the other side of the cooking stations. “The experience has been eye-opening, to see how much work goes into preparing students for this industry. It is heart-warming to see them in the cocoon stage and then fly off to become the best versions of themselves. The calls and texts I receive from them about how I helped them realise their dreams is the cherry on top.”

Mconi believes that becoming a chef is not about a career but rather a passion and gives his advice to young people who want to enter the industry.

“Being a chef is more than just cooking and presenting beautiful plates. It is an art that requires so much of the chef, mentally, physically and emotionally. The passion you have is your saving grace during those times when the going gets tough. This industry needs a different kind of bravery and a different kind of creativity. I always tell my students to identify where their passion lies in this industry and go for it.”

Asked which famous chefs he follows, Mconi said, “Firstly, Geoffrey Zakarian. This man is suave, smart and stylish. That description not only describes his work but his presentation too. Here is a man who cooks in his suit and sometimes jeans. His drive as a restaurateur and on Iron Chef USA is amazing, and he presents himself in a way that I would love to also do as I grow older. Secondly, Heston Blumenthal.

He is a chef with amazing deception in his food. He is a gastronomic genius and someone who stretches the boundaries of taste, sight and touch.”

Mconi said he does not eat avocado, all seafood, cupcakes and certain burger takeaways.


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