A safe natural space for girls and women

A yoga activity is held to fund sanitary cup initiative.

A night filled with yoga was a welcome scene for attendees at the Vegan Things Night Market and Yoga with Dize at Pirates Sports Club in Greenside.

Yoga teacher for Yoga with Dize, Dize Watson said for many years she had wanted to do something for others but had struggled to find something that was practical and doable on a small scale but still made an impact.

Member of Yoga with Dize Richard Francis in deep calm mode during a session. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

“So eventually I came up with an idea of doing a monthly yoga class. The yoga raises funds for the full moon sanitary cup initiative. “Normally it [the event] used to be around the full moon but with the market being on the first Thursday of the month, it’s not necessarily full moon now.

“The reason it’s called full moon initiative is that I decided to do a special full moon class with the moon being connected with women’s cycles and all. The original menstrual cup is called the moon cup,” Watson explained.

Liziwe Ntuli, Dize Watson and Manon Feyrit combine their efforts to make the full moon sanitary cup initiative fruitful. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

She added that she had partnered with the South African brand, My own Cup so the sanitary cups were made locally.

“We conduct a class and then use the proceeds to buy cups and then we go to different communities and have workshops with women, from teenagers to any age [of women who are] still in the process of menstruation. Initially, it was just going to be for schoolgirls but I realised there was also a cultural barrier to using something different and new.

An initiative for women by women, the full moon sanitary cup initiative has Liziwe Ntuli, Dize Watson and Manon Feyrit behind it. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

“All women should be able to have adequate products when they are menstruating and if you see your aunt, sister, mother or cousin using it, you are more likely to use it.”

Watson said they didn’t just hand out the cups at the workshops but shared the cup’s benefits such as that it lasted for six years, and was made of medical-grade silicone thus it was non-toxic and good for the environment.

A night full of yoga and exercise for attendees in Greenside. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Those willing to try out the cups are asked to share feedback on their experiences with other women in the community.

Watson said she hoped younger girls would become more interested in yoga as a wellness and stress reduction activity.

Members all join in a calming exercise during Yoga with Dize. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Details: Yoga with Dize www.yogawithdize.com

Share your community activities by email to naidines@caxton.co.za


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