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In pursuit of a stronger democracy

Campaign aims to work hand in hand with society to renew country’s democracy.

A national discussion document on democratic renewal and change was launched by the Defend our Democracy Campaign.

The campaign calls on all members of society to engage with its contents and provide feedback.

At the launch in Parktown, Celiwe Shivambu on behalf of Defend our Democracy Campaign said the document was important because through it, the campaign hoped that various sectors and organisations across the country, including individual members of the public, would use it as a basis to engage on the issue of democratic renewal and change.

“These deliberations, and the feedback that we receive, will form the basis of the Defend Our Democracy Campaign’s national Conference for Democratic Renewal and Change, to take place in June this year,” said Shivambu.

The Defend our Democracy Campaign team is all about the defence of SA’s constitutional democracy. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

The Conference for Democratic Renewal and Change will:

  • Identify the political, socio-economic and security challenges and threats facing our country, and search for solutions in this regard;
  • Develop a framework for a national campaign, driven by an active citizenry and based on shared perspectives, to safeguard, renew and change our constitutional democracy;
  • Examine and learn from examples of people and organisations working to strengthen our democracy and its democratic institutions;
  • Consider relevant and appropriate changes that should be made to our Constitution, legal and regulatory framework, and governance and electoral systems, to revitalise our democracy;
  • Explore ways of making our public service developmental, people-centred, efficient and effective;
  • Address issues of economic justice, climate change and the realisation of socio-economic rights; and
  • Design a nationwide campaign to combat corruption and state capture and call for those involved, irrespective of their status, to face the consequences of their unlawful actions.

Between now and the lead up to the conference, the campaign will host facilitated workshops across the length and breadth of the country, mobilising all sectors of society, particularly grassroots communities about the need for a revived democracy and political renewal.

Shivambu added, “Fundamentally, we want to change the notion that politics and democracy is the sole preserve of political parties. We cannot limit our participation to democracy by voting every few years, or not voting at all – as has been the case for many in the recent local government elections.

“Today for example, while the nation celebrates the birthday of a struggle icon Charlotte Maxeke, a hospital named after her remains dysfunctional, severely affecting the public health system in Gauteng.”

Details: To access the conference paper document, you can visit Defend our Democracy on https://defendourdemocracy.co.za/ or twitter @ForDemocracySa
To provide feedback on the document click https://bit.ly/37hqXvA.


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