Sponsor a child to watch Puss in Boots

PARKTOWN – Puss in Boots is on until April 3.

Locals are encouraged to share the magic of theatre by sponsoring a child, children’s home or school to see Puss in Boots at the National Children’s Theatre (NCT).

The audience will be enthralled by the lively cast and experienced team putting on the show.

Directed by Ivor Jones and choreographed by Sarah Roberts, the show is set in a circus of dreams and teaches children that everyone can find a friend and dreams can come alive.

Eleanore Godfroy of NCT said, “The musical-based show is set to be a joyful interpretation of an all-time classic tale given a fresh twist and update. The play tells the story of an ingenious cat who wants to make his owner happy.”

NCT’s Cindy Gordon explained that attending a live theatre performance is a magical and memorable experience for young children.

“Theatre encourages children to learn from seeing life on stage and teaches them to imagine the unimaginable and cultivates curiosity,” said Gordon.

“Share the love and spread the magic of theatre,” said Gordon.

NCT is offering a special 50% discount on tickets as part of the campaign.

The production ends on April 3.

To find out more, email Cindy on cindy@nctt.org.za


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