Sportswoman brings ‘Mount Everest’ to Westcliff

WESTCLIFF – The aim of the challenges is to raise funds towards empowering other women.

Always obsessed with sports and physical achievement, a former Wits University student decided to embark on an ‘Everesting Challenge’ of the Westcliff Stairs.

The Everesting website states that ‘Everesting is the most difficult climbing challenge in the world which entails ascending, and descending, a flight of steps (or a hill) in one session, to the equivalent of the 8 848m altitude of Mount Everest.’

Ingrid Avidon who has just turned 50 said, “I have always wanted to attempt an Everesting on foot. And so, when I devised the 12×12 Challenge [which was originally 12 endurance challenges in 12 months but is now 16], I decided I would kick off with a solo, non-stop, foot Everesting Challenge on January 15.”

With dynamic athletic skills, Ingrid Avidon takes in a marathon. Photo: Supplied

Avidon completed this first challenge in 28 hours and four minutes on the morning of January 16 after ascending and descending the Westcliff Stairs 177 times. She shared that she wanted to motivate, primarily women, that they could achieve whatever they set their minds to.

“I used the Everesting Challenge to start my fundraising campaign to generate funds for women who do not have the social or financial means to enter endurance events. I have learnt so much about myself by doing endurance events and have grown in confidence as a woman. My wish is that all women, especially less privileged women, be given the same opportunity for self-discovery and growth.”

She added that the 12×12 Challenge did come with a financial cost. There were the equipment costs of canoes, bicycles, helmets, other odds and ends, nutritional supplements, cycling shoes and running shoes. “So, I am reaching out to the community for any donations. Or a possible corporate sponsor for each event or for the year.”

Ingrid Avadon completes her solo foot Everesting Challenge on the Westcliff Steps. Photo: Supplied

The enthusiastic sportswoman said she learnt that with the right preparation, a good pair of shoes, the right outfit, sunscreen and, ultimately the encouragement, belief and support from friends and family, everything was possible. “Go big or go home. But always know how to find your way back home.

“I am absolutely delighted that I managed to complete the on-foot Everesting Challenge without getting injured. Also, if there are any women [and girls] out there who would like to participate in an event, or anyone who would want to join me for a portion of the event, then please contact me.”


Interested readers can follow Ingrid on Instagram at

For donations towards the project, visit


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