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Parkview street cleaners stay on the ball

PARKVIEW – The teams funded through the PRA take care of the suburb in various ways.

Parkview residents can look forward to cleaner streets.

Through an initiative by the Parkview Residents Association, the street cleaning teams ensure clean streets, clear stormwater drains and more. Project coordinator Ken McArthur said the cleaning team members made sure weeds were removed on traffic islands, cleared dustbins, cleaned pavements and made sure street signs were visible.

McCloud and Abraham Kasalu pick up folliage around a tree. Photo: Supplied

He said funds for the project were raised through the association and they could always do with more money. Some of the money would be used to pay the members who worked on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Through community donations, lunch is also provided for the team members. The project, which began in 2018, also focused on stormwater drains and they worked with Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA).

“We still do stormwater drains. Unfortunately, garden leaves and stuff are blown into the drains. Another challenge is getting enough trash bags. Community members can keep supporting through donations and not putting stuff into stormwater drains,” McArthur said.

Wrapping and Abraham Kasalu with Isaac Mtika and McCloud Kasalu clean a storm water drain. Photo: Supplied

Marketing and communication for the association Caryl Kelly thanked McArthur, and Marcelle Ewing for joining him on board for the project.

“The first team will continue working two days a week this year as we believe this will not only benefit our suburb immensely but that this will make a really meaningful difference from an employment and a financial point of view, for the four men we employ,” said Kelly.

She added that the second team’s members alternated throughout the holidays to ensure bins were kept clean and cleaned-up traffic circles.

“That team of four will commence with our street audits and maintenance full-time again from January 26. For our suburb, this means beautiful clean streets, clear stormwater drains and less flooding, comprehensive reporting of any issues in the suburb and much-needed maintenance as well as triple the funds and triple the food.”

She encouraged residents to assist through paying their association fees to help fund salaries as well as through making donations.

Details: For details on how to assist, send a message to 083 268 4441.


An invite to City entities to cooperate

An invite to City entities to cooperate


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