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Projects gain momentum in Houghton

HOUGHTON – The LHRA chairperson encouraged more people to join and members to pay subs so as to keep the momentum.

Despite the many limitations brought on by Covid-19, the Lower Houghton Ratepayers Association (LHRA) has had a busy year.

Chairperson of the association Kirsten van der Riet said one of the biggest problems Houghton faced was over-densification, with the loss of big beautiful properties and age-old trees. “Carolyn Douglas, our planning and development head, was hard at work this year, organisng objections and attending tribunals on our behalf. Our stance as a ratepayers association is not anti-development, rather we want to try and have developments that are in keeping with the nature of the suburb, and with what our aging infrastructure can handle,” Van der Riet explained.

She shared this year they had repainted their kerb street signs and the project was run by resident Glenda Wheeler. Van der Riet added it was a ‘mammoth task’, both the fundraising and managing the project itself. “But I’m sure that every resident and person who drives through our suburb can attest to what a difference it makes – both practically and visually. Thank you to those residents who contributed financially to either this project or by paying your subs. We could not have done it without you.

A City Parks vehicle transports trees for planting to Lower Houghton. Photo: Supplied

“As the year draws to a close, I’m sure many of you would also have noticed a flurry of activity in partnership with City Parks. The Street Tree planting is the culmination of years of effort by Wendy van der Merwe, our environmental head, and Glenda Wheeler. It started with the survey on the existing trees when we noticed the polyphagous shot hole borer, and has ended with the planting of new trees along our streets – over 500 thus far.”

The chairperson implored any residents who have these new trees on their verges to care for them so that Houghton could retain its image of beautiful tree-lined avenues.

“We have many more ideas up our sleeves but all of them are dependent on funds and manpower. Can I please appeal to you to volunteer to be part of the LHRA, or to pay your annual subs so we can keep this momentum going. All that is left is to wish our residents a wonderful festive season. Safe travels and stay safe.”

Details: For more information email admin@lhra.joburg


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