Zoo lake awaits three phases of rehabilitation with one already completed

The Zoo Lake Users Committee is leading the erosion project which is aimed at rehabilitating the southeast side of the lake, which is approximately 444m2.

The Parkview community together with volunteers of various engineering companies rolled up their sleeves on November 25 for a rehabilitation project at Zoo Lake.

The Zoo Lake Users Committee is leading the erosion project which is aimed at rehabilitating the southeast side of the lake.

Members of the Zoo Lake Users Committee sort out plants. Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Volunteers help rehabilitate Zoo Lake in Parkview. Photo: Comfort Makhanya

They have divided the area into three phases due to its size (444m²). Fran Haslam, chairperson of the Zoo Lake Users Committee said, “We are completing the final part of the first phase of this erosion project for the lake.”

Parkview community and different companies come together to rehabilitate Zoo Lake. Photo: Comfort Makhanya

The engineering firms that have volunteered their expertise were Maccaferri Engineering, SRK Engineering, and Cre8ive Construct.

Volunteers of different organisations lend a hand to help rehabilitate Zoo Lake. Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Volunteers of engineering companies work together for the rehabilitation project at Zoo Lake. Photo: Comfort Makhanya

“We are very fortunate to have these companies here today, and we have about 60 people attending the initiative, including volunteers from the engineering companies.”

Ward 117 councillor Tim Truluck was also in attendance and members of the Zoo Lake gardening committee.

Volunteers gather rocks to help with the erosion project at Zoo Lake. Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Volunteers mend gabion baskets which will be filled with rocks and used for support. Photo: Comfort Makhanya

“We are grateful for the donations made by the community as we received plants and working materials in large quantities. We hope to finish the project by the end of January, and we encourage more people to attend next year.”

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