Watch that girl go! Melrose learner Georgia Lenaerts shows us how its done

MELROSE – Kingsmead College learner Georgia Lenaerts (11) is a racer to be reckoned with.

Georgia Lenaerts (11), a learner of Kingsmead College, started go-kart racing at six years of age and the youngster is making a name for herself on the racetrack.

She comes from a family who loves motorsport. Her father raced motorcycles and wanted to allow Georgia to experience the joys and skill that motorsport brings to any individual.

However, Georgia’s parents determined that racing on four wheels was more suitable for a girl than two wheels, and started Georgia off karting in the Cadet/Bambino class.

She is now competing in the South African Rotax Kart Championship.

Her parents said the way Georgia drove on the track was very different from her friendly nature off the track. From having a difficult past couple of seasons, her commitment to practising at least once a week and her persistence, was starting to pay off, with Georgia being a serious title contender for next year in the 2022 Rotax Minimax Championship.

Winners of each class in the championship get a ticket to compete in the World Finals, where every country sends its championship winners.

When she is not racing, Georgia enjoys athletics, art and playing the piano.

She is also part of the Parolin Kart team in South Africa, and is proud to be part of a number of initiatives to introduce people to karting.

Details: @parolinsa


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