Hope lives here

CRAIGHALL PARK – Craighall Park ambassador Andre van der Waart encourages residents to support Hotel Hope Ministries, Melville, founded by Oliver Quambusch.

A hotel is a temporary shelter where one’s dignity is upheld, where one is served, where one receives rest and restoration.
Oliver Quambusch, founder of Hotel Hope Ministries, said it was with this vision in mind he had named Hotel Hope Ministries, which had successfully placed more than 100 orphans in ‘forever homes’ since its inception.

“I was successful in the fashion industry in London,” Quambusch told the Gazette. “However, when I came to know the Lord, I had a longing to use my life for His purposes.”

Children are given hope for the future through the child restoration and hope initiative. Photo: Thapelo Quambusch

He said he had been invited to spend four weeks in 2005 assisting at an orphanage in Yeoville, Johannesburg. “I was so fulfilled spending time with the children, that I knew this was what I was called to do.”

Quambusch added that Hotel Hope Ministries was birthed 10 years ago – ‘Hope’ because the facility is a chance for children to believe again, and to live with the expectation of better days.

“The ministry has grown and we have a dedicated team of volunteers who assist at our three children’s homes, two in Melville and one in Westdene. These currently house 24 children, under the age of 11.” He added that he himself was a volunteer for Hotel Hope, and that he stood in awe when he considered what started as a tiny seed of hope in his heart, had grown and continued to grow, and that he could actually now walk through the actual physical doors of the vision he had had many years ago.

The word ‘hope’ is included in the ministry’s name as it suggests an expectation of greater things to come. Photo: Thapelo Quambusch

“Our children go to six different schools… And I have learned so much, like how many nappies a small child can go through. Also, how love can restore a human being. I have seen this restoration happen in the children and while we love them like they are ours when they are with us in one of our orphanage establishments, I cannot explain the joy I feel when each is released into a loving, caring home.”

Craighall Park resident Andre van der Waart is an ambassador of Hotel Hope Ministries. He explained that this meant he helped raise funds for the organisation and assisted with volunteer activities, such as activities with the children. He said the non-profit organisation was always looking for new ambassadors and sponsors.

Committed to children, Oliver Quambusch, founder of Hope Hotel Ministries. Photo: Thapelo Quambusch

“It [organisation] is 100% dependent on sponsors and doesn’t receive any government support. Of course, all children should grow up with their parents but if they can’t, I am convinced that Hotel Hope is the best alternative,” he concluded.

Details: Hotel Hope Ministries 066 114 4122.


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