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Many hands make light work

CRAIGPARK – Rosen and the volunteers started planting spinach and kale seeds on September 11, and will be planting more seeds as the seasons change.

Craigpark Residents Association (CRA) committee member dedicates her time and efforts toward food security.

Andrea Rosen is a committee member of the CRA who started a pavement vegetable garden on Grosvenor Avenue close to the Craighall Primary School. Each committee member of the CRA was given a budget to put toward a Covid-19 project of their own choice.

Rosen chose to build and plant pavement vegetable gardens which will in time help feed the numerous homeless people in the area as well as others that are struggling to make ends meet.

Local residents Phil and Thato Moagi along with Isaac hard at work. Photo: Supplied

Rosen told the Rosebank Killarney Gazette that she started this project so that the less fortunate can help themselves to fresh vegetables and to promote the concept of pavement vegetable gardens.

Craighall Park Primary School learner Thato and his father Phil Moagi say they cannot wait to see the fruits of their labour. Photo: Supplied

“A couple of pavement vegetable gardens can’t make much of a difference, but if we all did them, we can make a difference.”

Rosen and the volunteers started planting spinach and kale seeds on September 11, and will be planting more seeds as the seasons change.


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