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Cellphone snatching cases on the rise

HILLBROW – Hillbrow police spokesperson seargent Mduduzi Zondo advises the public to take extra precaution when using cellphones to request a cab.

Hillbrow police urged the public to take extra caution when making use of taxi-hailing apps.

This is after Hillbrow police apprehended three suspects on July 24 for cellphone theft. The crimes took place in Braamfontein and another crime surfaced on a video circulating on social media which was said to be in Parktown Junction.

Hillbrow Police Station’s spokesperson Sergeant Mduduzi Zondo said in most of these cases the victims were requesting a ride using taxi-hailing apps. The perpetrators use the same cars as the taxis hailed which confuses the victims. The perpetrators usually snatch the cellphones out of victims’ hands while they wait for their ride and get into their vehicles and speed off.

Zondo told Rosebank Killarney Gazette that most of these incidents took place between Parktown and Braamfontein and suspected that it was a syndicate at work.

Zondo said police have increased patrols and visibility in the areas and encouraged people to take extra precaution by following the following safety tips:

  • Always verify the vehicle’s registration number and driver before approaching the vehicle.
  • Be extra vigilant and avoid exposing your possessions such as your cellphone and laptop out in the open while you wait for the taxi to arrive.
  • Once your taxi arrives and you have verified that it is the correct one, put your cellphone in your bag until inside the vehicle.


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