Parktown Girls’ cross-country runners rise above the odds

PARKVIEW – Parktown Girls High's cross-country runners defy the odds.

Parktown High School for Girls’ athletes excelled in a shortened cross-country runner’s league which was cut short by a handful of races due to the new Covid-19 regulations.

The school had six teams participating in the senior girls section. The year started with mixed feelings about what lay before the team in terms of the pandemic and its effect on sport, especially after the school was robbed of its cross-country season last year.

At the start of Term 2, the school was able to fit in a cross-country clinic for the runners which proved invaluable to get their heads into the running game. Five of the runners were placed in the top-20 at each of the league races in which they took part, and as the school was watching their progress in anticipation, all inter-school sport fixtures were cancelled.

“It was a real blow and the girls were disappointed,” said the school’s director of sport, Catherine McCreesh.

But the good news was the school was notified that two of their team members had been selected to represent the district despite only taking part in three of the six league races. Georgia Shear, a Grade 12 learner qualified as the senior runner, and Jade Freeman in Grade 8 qualified for the junior team.

Parktown High School for Girls Senior A cross-country team. Photo: Supplied

A special mention went to Zinathi Kema who was placed in the top-20 runners for the two league races she ran. It was most unfortunate that she was unable to take part in the third race. McCreesh described Zinathi as a talented runner and said the team looked forward to watching her as she started competing with the seniors next year.

Congratulations also went to the Senior A team’s Georgia Shear, Rachael Steven, Erin Helling, Robyn Norval, Temana Mabandla, Rodha Oliver and reserves, Rumaysa Mayet and Bertina Sibanda for making it through to represent the school in the inter-league district race.

“They say running is an individual sport, however, it has been very rewarding working with this group of learners as they have pushed and motivated each other on the runs to get stronger and fitter. They have epitomised teamwork as they have pushed each other further and faster, celebrating and taking great delight in each other’s personal bests and achievements,” concluded McCreesh.


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