Parkview police celebrate Child Protection Week

PARKVIEW – Parkview police commemorate Child Protection Week through acts of kindness.

Parkview police celebrate Child Protection Week and honoured children.

Sergeant Iris Phoko, the Social Crime Prevention officer at Parkview Police Station, alongside several members of the SAPS and Parkview CPF paid a visit to children from Hope School and Guild Cottage in Parkview to commemorate this year’s Child Protection Week.

The week is observed annually, from 31 May until 6 June and is aimed to raise awareness in communities, caregivers and parents to protect children from abuse, neglect and all forms of violence.

Parkview police and CPF urge communities to ensure that children grow up in healthy homes and communities. Photo: Supplied

Phoko gave talks to the children from Hope Schools about the different types of abuse that exist, children’s rights and the responsibilities that come with the rights. “All children in South Africa have rights which include the right to care, good education and shelter but it is important for the children to know that each right comes with a responsibility. They must know their rights but also practise the responsibilities that come with those rights.”

Children receive beautiful hamper gifts through donations gathered by the Parkview CPF from the community. Photo: Supplied

She also urged that parents, community leaders and caregivers must help set a good example to children by reporting abuse and working hand in hand with the police to ensure that children are protected from abuse and that they grow up in healthy homes and communities. Through the donations gathered by the Parkview CPF, children from the schools received gifts as a token of love.

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