Parktown High School For Girls play gets a fighting chance

PARKVIEW – Parktown High School for Girls play receives a fighting chance.

A group of 10 Parktown High School for Girls learners took to the stage to perform in spite of challenges previously faced.

After not being able to perform the play last year due to strict lockdown regulations, the school afforded the girls the opportunity to perform this year. The Curl Up and Dye play is about five women in a hair salon going about their lives and everyday chit chat which is laced with satirical humour about issues in South Africa such as classism, racism and gender-based violence.

Cast members of Curl Up and Dye, Angel Lunga, Sesona Mlobeli and Lameez Bougaard (front) and Bonolo Mohanoe, Katelyn Forbay and director Martinique Francis (back) are very happy to showcase the play this year. Photo: Sabreen Coovadia

Although the play has five characters, each character was double-casted to give at least 10 girls the opportunity to perform. Martinique Francis who directed the play told Rosebank Killarney Gazette that being able to rehearse and create gave the girls a sense of normality once again.

“Despite the ever-present threat that the show might not get to open due to the rise in infection numbers, these talented and tenacious young ladies did not let that detract from their commitment and dedication in the rehearsal process,” she said.

Buhle Sigwela who performed in the play said she enjoyed it despite the fact that they had to adhere to Covid-19 regulations by wearing masks while performing and incorporating sanitising into the play.

“I really enjoyed the play and I really wanted to make the most of it because it was my last major production at Parktown Girls. It was hard performing with masks on because it kind of stripped away the natural theatre feel, and nobody could really see our smiles and facial expressions because we were covered which made it hard although we used our eyes a lot.
“As much as we performed during a pandemic and the current circumstances, I really enjoyed the play,” she said.

Francis concluded, “Against all odds we did ‘get the show on the road’ as they say in showbiz and it was a roaring success.”

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