Parkview police warn residents about a rise in robberies

PARKVIEW – Residents are to avoid using their cell phones when waiting outside residences and restaurants for e-hailing services.

Parkview police warn residents to take care of their valuables following numerous reports of common robberies and house robberies during the months of February and March.

Spokesperson for the Parkview Police Station Captain Tintswalo Sibeko said, “Residents are cautioned to take care of their valuables and avoid using cell phones when waiting outside residences and restaurants while waiting for e-hailing services. This gives criminals the opportunity to rob them.”

She also advised joggers and walkers to leave their valuables at home.

“Be crime conscious – be aware of crime opportunities at all times.”

Sibeko provided the following tips to residents within the Parkview policing precinct:

Sibeko said investigations for the robberies that took place in the area were ongoing.

Any person with information relating to those incidents should contact Parkview police on 011 067 6000.

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