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Greenside Oyxgen (GO2) team ready to serve

GREENSIDE – The Go2 team is there to help the affected patients and families of Greenside and surrounding areas.

The Greenside Oyxgen (GO2) team is a group of qualified health workers from the Greenside community. The response team was formed when Covid-19 began to cause major strain on the country’s healthcare system.

The team receives assistance and support from non-profit organisations such as the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMA-SA) as well as the community.

With the resurgence of Covid-19, GO2 staff have also upped their game in providing service as they are there to help the affected patients and families of Greenside and surrounding areas through their Covid Support Initiative.
Here are contacts for various services they offer:

General practitioner (GP) contacts, oxygen requests (through a doctor only), pulse oximeter requests etc:

  • Dr Zeenat Dadabhay 082 3322 100
  • Dr Yumna Hassim 083 390 1786
  • Dr Shireen Dhoodat 083 454 1316

Ambulance service:

  • Rescue786: 083 9000 786

Greenside Pharmacy:

  • Our specialist physicians have put together a ‘Covid pack’ of vitamins in the recommended doses that is available. Other meds as prescribed by your doctor; delivery available. Medications are charged for.
    Bilaal Takolia 011 646 8338 / ask@greensidepharmacy.co.za


Videos, advice and positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) bottles available. Ongoing treatment will be charged for.
Safiya Chicktay 011 727 3450
Hema Gopal 082 446 7592
Naeema Hussein Elkout (home visits) 071 274 5405
Available for guidance and advice.

Care4U2 Community Outreach:

  • Loan of hospital beds, wheelchairs, medical equipment.
  • Dr Zafreen Valli 084 506 3261
  • Shahnaz 061 384 2511

Greenside Muslim women’s group:

Requests for soup (delivered to your home), general advice (will redirect you to relevant GO2 or other contacts), counselling, an ear to listen (Covid-19 and isolation takes a toll on patients and families, you are not alone! Please give our team a call), bereavement counselling
q Mariam Mia 082 956 7464
q Summaiya Motala 083 650 0577
q Faeeza Shaik (Montgomery Park, Roosevelt Park, Linden) 074 148 3330

Covid-19 Packs:

Home remedies for symptomatic relief, balloons for lung exercises, paracetamol, honey etc

  • Yousuf Ahmed 079 692 1355
  • Muhammad Omar 082 754 6896
  • Sumaiyah Rajah 071 675 8292


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