Donate or volunteer to improve Zoo Lake

PARKVIEW – Help improve the green lung in Johannesburg's northern suburbs.

The Zoo Lake Users Committee appeals to the local community to get involved with funding and volunteering to improve the facilities at the beloved Zoo Lake.

Chairperson of the Zoo Lake Users Committee Fran Haslam said, “Regrettably, all our plans have been put on hold due to the lockdown. Zoo Lake has officially been closed and therefore we have been unable to have our action open days. A substantial amount of our much-needed community funding has also been affected.”

For the time being, the committee is finalising their marketing strategy and fine-tuning proposals regarding various projects before they are approved by Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ).

Projects in the pipeline include the ongoing erosion project. The first six phases of the project have been completed. The committee hopes to soon move along the south and west side of the lake, aiming to instal a retaining wall to assist with soil erosion.

“This is a very costly project and will need substantial donations to complete.”

Together with Rotary Club Johannesburg New Dawn, they hope to upgrade the play park facilities, encouraging more families to enjoy the green space on offer.

Haslam explained that the committee has a proposal in place to instal a waste management project to assist with litter issues at the park. The committee is waiting for City Parks’ approval before this begins.

The Zoo Lake Gardening Committee members hope to upgrade the flower beds surrounding the lake and are in need of donations of indigenous, water-wise plants for the project. Locals who are willing to pay for gardeners to assist with the project are urged to contact the committee.

“If all users get involved and give back, it creates a mutually beneficial relationship and enhances the well-being of families, users and the surrounding community. The City does not have the funding, resources or expertise to keep on maintaining our parks and therefore the surrounding community needs to get involved.”

“Having a well-maintained, safe and clean park adds a lot of value to the area and provides a much-needed space for people to enjoy and improve their well-being.”

The committee is looking for sponsors, donors and specialists who can offer their expertise in various areas. To find out more, visit

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