St Teresa’s School is ready for the new year

ROSEBANK – We have no doubt that 2022 will be a year filled with new adventures going forward, says the school's 2022 leader.

After having experienced and survived the surreal year of 2020, 2021 was a challenging, yet, hopeful year for St Teresa’s School.

The easing of restrictions brought a gradual return to a sense of normality that was evident in the school. However, with this came a new set of challenges where the school was tasked to navigate a new normal.

Farhah Kolabhai, the school leader for 2022 said, “Our special bond as Rosies has once again proven that we can overcome anything as a family.

“We have no doubt that 2022 will be a year filled with new adventures going forward. The positive impact that the pandemic has brought has led us to shift our value systems and recognise the importance of human connection. “

The school pays gratitude to its dedicated, caring, and committed parents and teachers who have worked seamlessly together throughout this challenging time to ensure that learning in its broadest sense and of the highest calibre has continued to flourish at St Teresa’s.

“I have learned that when we think the world has stopped, it continues to move forward and that every choice we make, is the beginning of change. With this as our driving force, I am excited, yet, humbled to be a part of the matric Class of 2022,” Kolabhai added.

Principal of St Teresa’s Junior Primary Lynne Elfick wishes readers a blessed holiday season. Photo: Supplied

St. Teresa’s Junior Primary principal Lynne Elfick said this year, as well as 2020, has been remarkable in so many ways, presenting previously unimaginable challenges for educators, families, and learners.

“The continual shift in lockdown regulations, which included two national periods of remote learning during the school year this year, has necessitated our need to adapt to meet the varying needs of the girls in our care – not only to support their academic needs but also their mental and physical well-being.”

The school community wishes the community a happy and healthy holiday season and prays that our good and gracious Lord continues to bless the country and support its people in need.

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