
A forum against crime and for good at Norwoof CPF

NORWOOD – Making sure that community members in need were fed was at the core of the forum.

For the Norwood Community Police Forum (CPF) last year started off with a bang.
By February, the forum had an elected committee and had had their first formal meeting. Chairman Colin Wasserfall said, “We had big plans for the rest of the year. Then the lockdown happened. We saw the need for people to move around to collect and supply food for the needy. “We managed to negotiate permission for a small number of CPF members to travel within the precinct in order to collect and deliver food.”

He added that they set up a central food repository at Paterson Park Bowls Club with the help of Ward 73 councilor Eleanor Huggett. Soon, they were receiving donations from all over the neighbourhood and beyond. They were helping deliver food to Hillbrow and Berea, as well as giving out food donations to the local community.

Wasserfall said, “As the lockdown levels decreased, we were allowed to return to our task of building up the CPF and all of its structures, although without actually being able to meet in person. From about May we started doing patrols on Wednesdays and Fridays with Norwood SAPS. We identified many problem areas in the precinct, and slowly but surely have started to deal with them.”

He added that they have had fantastic support from all of the security companies operating in the precinct. “I can also say that I have every confidence in the men and women serving in the South African Police Service at the Norwood Police Station.

On behalf of all the members of the Norwood CPF, we look forward to tackling any challenges that 2021 might throw our way.”
Details: Follow Norwood Community Police Forum on Facebook

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