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Jonti Mayer presents; Conscious Manifestation

GLENHAZEL – It's a book for people who are on the quest for significance and accomplishment; and a bit of magic.

Jonti Mayer is a self-confessed liberator of people from all that constrains them. The Glenhazel resident has been in corporate coaching and consulting in South Africa since 2000 – and he empowers leaders to take themselves, their teams, and their organisations to the next level.

The wisdom, experience and insight he has gleaned from the transformational wisdom of the east and the west, together with cutting-edge methodologies and exercises, and his own personal journey are accessible to all who are yearning for change in their lives, in his brand-new book, Conscious Manifestation, with the subtext ‘Master your life and your business from the inside out – A manual for insight, inspiration, and creating a life of infinite possibility’.

The book is aimed at conscious leaders, entrepreneurs and individuals who want more than the superficial rhetoric on manifestation, who are on a quest for personal and professional development and who are looking for personal enhancement.

Mayer, in conversation with Annie Hodes from Angelfish PR and Events, shared enlightening insights about his personal journey and the substance of the book.

Conscious Manifestation by Jonti Mayer is here to inspire. Photo: Supplied

“I have always loved the wisdom of manifestation and transformation. I have loved it since I was a child. I was forever fascinated by the mysteries of life, and by the masters and wizards who were able to work magic and manifestation. This love of mine eventually took me to Jerusalem where I was privileged to study with some of the world’s most powerful Kabbalists,” Mayer recalled.

Mayer said manifestation is the process of taking an idea or desire from the mental or ethereal realm and converting it into a physical, tangible result. As such, at some level, everyone is a manifestor.

“If you think about it, the simplest act of getting a cup of coffee will require manifestation – buy the coffee, get up off your chair, money, coffee beans, hot water, sugar, milk. There’s a process of manifestation you embrace from the moment you desire the coffee to the experience.

“Conscious manifestation is taking this process from desire to result and instead of manifesting what we don’t want through unconscious manifestation, we consciously use the power of desire, decision, sustained deliberate action, knowing that we’re all gifted with this ability to manifest, because we are created in the image of God the creator.”

Mayer said he has manifested a business, and for the most part, considers himself somebody who gets what he wants. He has also assisted many people to achieve their goals and dreams in their personal and business life.

“If you know what you want and you’re sure that you want it, you can have it, if you work the process.”

Details: For more information, visit www.jontimayer.com or on twitter @JontiMayer

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