Covid-19 impacts residents’ association service delivery

SAXONWOLD – The residents' association has however not been exempt from challenges.

For the Saxonwold and Parkwood Residents Association (Sapra), this has been an ‘interesting’ year, giving the old Chinese curse ‘may you live in interesting times’ new meaning.
The association said this was applicable to the world, and national, provincial and at the parochial City levels which was the level at which Sapra operated. Not only has there been the Covid-19 epidemic which has had a profound impact on all of South Africa, but also has affected every single nation of the world.
Sapra observes that South Africa has moved into a recession followed by the downgrade in our national debt to junk status, massive unemployment, state capture and a change in the political leadership of the City, all of which has had an impact on the association’s local service delivery.

“Yet Sapra has withstood these misfortunes and I am able to say that our membership numbers have increased, our subscriptions are up, our bank balance is good and we continue to monitor service delivery and argue the case for our residents,” Sapra secretary Caryn Turnbull said.

Chairman of Sapra Bill Haslam said the Zoo Lake Users Committee led by Fran Haslam was a voluntary group of active citizens who gave of their time and money. “We are extremely grateful for the huge amount of work that this committee does to try and rehabilitate Zoo Lake. “One of the big highlights this year has been the erosion project.
“This has been a successful project conducted entirely by this committee and with regular care and monitoring will add greatly to the park. Phases one to six of 11 have been completed and weeding and mulching of the completed phases continues,” Haslam added.

He said Sapra’s biggest challenge of the year was most definitely the Saxonwold Water Pipe Project. The project started in January and the last few reinstatements were currently occurring. “We are very aware that this project has not been smooth sailing and the patience of all residents has been sorely tested. It has been a big learning experience for us too and we are engaging with the City to encourage greater community involvement in projects of this nature.

“We believe that there is much that can be accomplished in a more active partnership between the City and the community. It should be noted that Sapra is using the City’s Alternative Dispute Resolution framework to engage with the City on the poor quality of work that was done. We are currently waiting for a date to present our case to the oversight committee.”

Haslam said Sapra had been very active in the past year in trying to keep the suburbs clean. They have purchased and installed wire rubbish baskets that were installed on street poles strategically placed in the suburbs. The green team have been kitted out with Sapra-branded overalls, boots and gloves as well as tools.

Haslam concluded, “We have received good reports from our residents on the work that has been accomplished. We wish all the residents of Saxonwold and Parkwood a happy and healthy festive season; enjoy the quality time you spend with your family.”


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