Principal commends teachers for being heroes

After the president announced a nationwide lockdown, the teachers at the school were immediately trained on Microsoft Teams and started getting ready to teach the curriculum online.

In spite of the unprecedented circumstances around the world, King David High School, Linksfield, were determined to continue to offer academic excellence.

After the president announced a nationwide lockdown, the teachers at the school were immediately trained on Microsoft Teams and started getting ready to teach the curriculum online. “We prepared thoroughly and thoughtfully and were available and ready to support the students and parents throughout this unprecedented journey. We remained fully committed to achieving our curriculum outcomes during the course of the year no matter the challenges we faced in the process,” principal Lorraine Srage explained.

She added that the teachers were asked to completely redesign what school looks like and they stepped up and delivered with much aplomb and without complaint. “Teachers are mostly unsung heroes and often receive criticism or ridicule. However, in these unprecedented times it is the teachers who have shown growth, the ability to cope with uncertainty and to master skills never required of them. I would therefore hope that teachers in our school and worldwide regain the respect of the communities they serve.”

There were, of course, some hiccups as sometimes happens with technology, but the staff navigated and dealt with these problems and remain committed to serving the best interest of their students.

“One of the most important things we needed to do this year was to keep our students in a routine and work as closely as possible to the original timetable and school calendar. During lockdown when the students were at home and studying online, we made sure that we provided them with regular exercise routines and that we celebrated the Jewish festivals and commemorated the more sombre days in the Jewish calendar.”

Srage said the return to school of the students and staff was done under the strictest of conditions and at all times their best interests were served as well as their comfort and safety. Parents held the children together and the principal thanked them for partnering with the school in keeping children’s education as a priority.

“I ask of the matriculants of 2020 not to dwell on what they missed out on; their matric dance, their last school rugby and netball matches and stage shows, but to build on what they have gained and how the experiences of this most unusual year will propel them forward. The matriculants of 2020 are my success and my inspiration and I wish them everything of the best.”

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