SPCA issues warning to dog walker accused of abuse

PARKVIEW – Upon meeting with the dog owner and walker, inspectors from the Sandton SPCA educated and issued a warning to the dog walker.

A recent dog abuse incident sparked outcry among social media users and the Parkview community at large.

In the article Dog abuse invokes fury [Week ending 25 September 2020] the Rosebank Killarney Gazette shared resident John Grogan’s recount of the incident. The article also stated that the Sandton SPCA would conduct a meeting with both the perpetrator and dog owner on 18 September.

On 21 September the Sandton SPCA shared an Inspectorate statement regarding the meeting. It read as follows:

“On 18 September at 2pm a follow-up visit was undertaken to meet with the owner of the dogs and the dog walker. Senior Inspector Stephen Maila and Inspector Obed Mohlala met with both parties after being granted permission to enter the premises. The two German shepherds, male and female, were observed and it was confirmed that they are in good health. They have suitable living arrangements and access to food, water and enrichment.

The dog walker did not deny the evidence presented to him and confirmed his misdemeanour. He apologised profusely for his actions. In his explanation, he stated that he did not mean to cause any intended distress and suffering towards the animals but his actions were meant to be a means to control the dogs and discourage them from attacking other dogs. He said he loves and cares for the dogs. The dogs interacted freely and with no fear towards the dog walker.

The policy of the SPCA movement is the promotion of kindness or in other words to achieve the goal of preventing cruelty to animals by changing attitudes in a positive way. This is implemented and promoted through education. It is important that the educational work is carried out amongst adults as well as children in order to promote the understanding and appreciation and spreading of humane principles.

Based on the above NSPCA rule, it was observed that the level of abuse could not be classified as a severe life-threatening act of cruelty and, therefore, the dog walker was educated on the appropriate manner in which to engage with the dogs. Whilst we understand that this has upset and angered many people and we are ourselves do not condone what he did, we consider that a prosecution would be unlikely to be successful with the evidence available and consequently issued a warning to the dog walker.

He accepted and signed for it. We hope that the education he has received will teach him to respect and love the dogs more. This matter is ongoing as we will be conducting follow-up visits to the property. We thank the members of the community who reported this incident and we commend you on your vigilance and willingness to assist.”

Details: Sandton SPCA 011 444 7730.

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