Learners at Parktown Girls taught to appreciate nature more

PARKVIEW – She explained that it is important to nurture creativity in learners.

Being compelled to spend time indoors has reminded many of the beauty of nature and the outdoors. Natural sciences teacher for 15 years and subject head at Parktown High School for Girls Narisha Govender aimed to help learners reconnect with nature through an initiative called Nature Reflection.

Govender acknowledged that nothing could have prepared us for this new way of life (during lockdown) and the anxieties that come with it. She explained that it is important to nurture creativity in learners. By asking them to write down their thoughts in the form of a poem or a descriptive essay for the Nature Reflection activity; they could express themselves creatively.

She said that although these times are stressful and uncertain, there have also been opportunities that may not have occurred otherwise, like having the time to notice the beauty of a hailstorm or being inspired by the empathy and compassion of communities reaching out to help each other.

Govender said, “Through the Nature Reflection initiative, I wanted to cultivate an awareness and appreciation of nature in learners, as well as give them an opportunity to notice and reflect on things they are thankful for in their lives. Sometimes gratitude comes naturally and sometimes we need to make an effort to experience and practise gratitude. Gratitude helps us to see the positive in the most difficult times.”

She suggested that, along with the learners, everyone can connect with nature through activities like gardening, or even just looking through your window at the sky or clouds, or listening to the sounds of nature which are now more audible without the heavy traffic.

“Our activities are restricted and we are craving contact with our loved ones, it feels like the world has come to a standstill, but if you look outside, there is so much life, beauty and colour! Life is still going on and this is reassuring and comforting. We all need to be thankful for what nature offers and hopefully, after lockdown when we get back to our rushed lives, we will be better at looking after it,” Govender said.


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