Over 600 stories submitted on Sci-Bono Centre’s water competition

NEWTOWN – Most articles show creativity, imagination and a sense of humour.

The organisers of the 500 Words Storytelling Competition are excited about the response they received from young creative writers who had submitted more than 600 articles.

The competition was organised by H2O Today exhibition partnering with Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, a science and technology education centre in Newtown.

The competition called on young creative writers to submit articles exploring water as the planet’s lifeblood as reported in A story of water, [Week Ending 28 February].

The aim of the competition was to explore the beauty and essential nature of water, and furthermore, to examine the diversity and challenges of water sources worldwide.

Organisers said the competition was also to create awareness about saving water as a limited natural resource and the young writers had to show important ways on how to recycle and preserve water.

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Colin Law, one of the competition organisers, said the number of articles submitted went beyond their expectations.

“We received over 600 articles from across South Africa with children and schools participating in the competition,” Law added.

“The articles showed creativity from the children and their imagination about how water can be preserved and recycled. Looking at these articles, it shows that some of these children have a great sense of humour as well.”

The competition closed on 6 March and the winners are expected to be announced on 22 March.

Law said winners would be announced on the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre’s Facebook page and they would also be contacted directly to advise them about the prize-giving ceremony.

Details: Sci-Bono Discovery Centre 011 639 8400.

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