NORA members prepare to elect new executive committee

NORWOOD – A chairman's and financial statements will also be tabled at the meeting.

Members of the Norwood Oaklands Residents Association (Nora) will host an AGM where a new executive committee will be elected.

The meeting will take place at the Lifeline centre on 22 March and only members of the association and paid up subscribers can participate in the election.

According to the association’s chairman, Nadine Bradley, other members of the public may attend but do not have voting rights.

ALSO READ: Residents association encourage locals to attend public meeting

The AGM is required by our constitution and enables the association to reflect on their past work and financials, said Bradley.

“It provides us with an opportunity to report back on progress of our initiatives in the neighbourhood, provide a view of our financials, and to obtain input on what we should be focusing on in the coming year,” added Bradley.

“It is very important for members to attend this meeting. A quorum is required for the meeting to have legal standing, and it is the best platform to shape the future of the work that Nora does.”

According to Bradley, members who wish to view the chairman’s report and financial statements for year-end 29 February 2020 may do so.

“The financials are contained in the chairman’s report and all documentation may be accessed at at any given time.”


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