Post office says leak is fixed

PARKVIEW – A nine-month water leak at the Parkview Post Office was a cause of concern for residents.

A water leak at Parkview Post Office has reportedly been going on for the past nine months.

Concerned resident Robbie Heffernan escalated the issue with the post office but to no avail. In an email sent to the Parkview Residents’ Association in August last year (2019), Heffernan wrote, “There is a water leak in the post office yard (Dundalk Avenue, next to the police station), which has damaged the pavement. I have highlighted this to the staff over the last months without any action. Can you please ask the post office to fix the leak before it causes further damage and creates a hygiene issue?”

The very next day, the Parkview Residents Association passed the email on to the Ward 87 councillor Bridget Steer who also escalated the issue with a contact from the City of Johannesburg the very next day. However, through all these efforts, nothing seems to have been done and no response has been received from the South African Post Office head office.

The source of the leak at the Parkview Post Office is covered by a tyre. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

In a follow-up email in October 2019, Heffernan wrote, “Fresh water is still leaking at Parkview Post Office (four to five months now), in a water-scarce city! They have diverted the leak directly to the water drainage system! How do we get the post office to fix the leak?”

Councillor Steer notified the concerned resident that it was a private connection issue, therefore, Johannesburg Water would not fix it but had contacted the post office instructing them to sort out the issue.

The passage that the water takes leads to a stormwater drain. Photo: Naidine Sibanda


The leaking water flows down to a storm water drain. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

In a recent email in February this year, Heffernan said the South African Post Office did not honour their values as written on their website of which one is: ‘contributing positively to our communities and environment’.

Upon inspection of the Parkview Post Office on 4 March by a Rosebank Killarney Gazette journalist, it was still leaking. On the day of going to print, Johan Kruger from the Communications Division, SA Post Office responded to the Gazette’s email saying, “We have followed up with the regional management and the leak has been repaired.”

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