Scrabble lovers go head-to-head

BIRDHAVEN – A total of 43-word lovers between the ages of seven and 90 took part in the Scrabble competition.

Word lovers pitted their wits against one another at a Scrabble competition at Voodoo Lily Café in Birdhaven on 15 February.

According to vice-chair or the Gauteng Association of Scrabble Players Steven Gruzd, Section A of the competition was won by mathematician and current national Scrabble champion Dr Harry Wiggins. Section B saw a first-title for Roshelle Pillay and Sue Grinker scooped Section C. Newcomer Justin Rule went unbeaten to claim the top spot in Section D. Sophie Hodes won the primary school section while Grade 11 learner Solros Baloyi won the high school division.

Roshelle Pillay won her first title in Section B. Photo: Supplied

Gwen Rea, who flew from George for the event, had the highest word score: 110 for ‘joisted’.

Wiggins’ memorable words included ‘gasiform’ (in the form of a gas), ‘frijoles’ (Mexican cooking beans) and ‘abdomens’. His 578 was the highest game score.

Prizes for books, sets and Scrabble mugs were generously donated by Jonathan Ball Publishers (who distribute Collins dictionaries) and toymaker Mattel.

Justin Rule went unbeaten in Section D. Photo: Supplied


Grade 11 learner Solros Baloyi won the high school section at the competition. Photo: Supplied

National president of Scrabble SA Andrew Goldberg said, “The venue was new and hip. The food was scrumptious, and the play was hot. Scrabble SA welcomes all new players to the game. To me, the game of Scrabble is amazing as it allows for players of all ages and backgrounds to play. It has been shown to increase longevity and games are discussed long after the last tiles are played. Once you join Scrabble SA, you will find a loving and warm community that is passionate about growing the game.”

The next competition will take place at Roosevelt Park Recreation Centre on 28 March. Join the Scrabble SA Facebook page or contact Andrew Goldberg on

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