Houghton teen to launch book

KILLARNEY – Zameer Dada will be in conversation with author Victor Kgomoeswana at the launch.

Houghton resident and Sacred Heart College learner Zameer Dada (17) is launching his book The Lion of Soweto and the Spelling Bee at the CineCentre in Killarney Mall on 27 February.

Zameer was the inaugural African Spelling Bee Champion in 2016 and three-time winner of the Mzansi Spelling Bee. He has advised The President’s Award for Youth Empowerment in arranging and co-adjudicating their first spelling bee in 2019. He is also a member of Efeng Bacha-Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund.

Zameer explained his motivation behind writing the book, “I wanted to create an inspirational story of a character that is relatable to the majority of South Africa and who rises above challenges and through universal qualities of hard work, discipline and support is able to achieve success. At the end of the day, I just wanted to write a story that I hoped would encourage kids to read.”

The book tells the story of Joseph, a young boy from a township, who rises above his humble surrounding and overcomes challenges to eventually achieve success – winning the National Spelling Bee.

The launch will take place at 6.45pm for 7.15pm at the CineCentre at Killarney Mall. Zameer will be in conversation with Victor Kgomoeswana, author of Africa is Open for Business.

All profits will be used to fund literacy projects.

The e-book is also available on www.amazon.com

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