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Love and safety make for a worthy Valentine’s Day

PARKVIEW – SAPS members took a day off to appreciate the elderly in the community by getting hands-on and cleaning up.

The members of Parkview Police Station celebrated the month of love last week, where they not only had to shower loved ones with gifts and well wishes but also showed their gratitude to fellow residents.

According to spokesperson Captain Tintswalo Sibeko, the members went to Roosevelt Park to show appreciation to an elderly woman that was identified through the assistance of the local community policing forum.

“The elderly woman’s house was cleaned in and outside and all the obstacles that could be of risk to her security were also cleared. The police had time to engage with her and to inform her about the security measures that must be implemented, for instance, the doors and windows must be locked at all times,” shared Sibeko.

The Parkview police team members put their gloves on for a clean-up of an elderly community member’s home. Photo: Supplied

She added that the South African Police Service (SAPS) National Instruction 1 of 2014, Protection of older persons advocates that the Older Persons Act 2006 (Act no 13 of 2006) provides protection to older persons, to maintain and promote their status, well-being, safety and security.

The elderly resident, Lorraine Brown whose house was cleaned said the SAPS members were friendly and lovely and, ‘it would definitely be wonderful if they could do it for other elderly people in the community’.

Sibeko said Parkview SAPS and the Community Policing Forum will continue creating a safe environment for elderly persons in the policing precinct.

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