Parkview kerb street names painted

PARKVIEW – Residents in Parkview will be able to see kerb street names more clearly as they have been painted.

The Parkview Residents Association (PRA) team has been hard at work painting kerb street names since October last year.

According to PRA executive committee (exco) member Elvet Gehring, the budget spent on the project is about R55 000. He extended his utmost gratitude to Parkview resident and owner of Top Paints Melville, Francois Burger, for providing the paint at cost price because otherwise, they would have gone over budget.

“Whenever things run down, we don’t complain but rather get working. We use our know-how, some of the resources we have available and donations that people give. Then we go around and do certain things to uplift the area, like these street signs that were in bad need of repair,” said Gehring.

Lesley Sluis-Cremer, Themba Ngqanda and Elvet Gehring take a look at the preparation work before the kerb street sign is painted. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Lesley Sluis-Cremer who is also a PRA exco member said there are 600 street names in total and about 298 to 300 of them have been completed with another 200 and something to go.

Gehring said there’s a lot of preparation work beforehand which includes a clean-up and a scrape-off of all the old paint and then finding the perfect kerb to paint where it will be visible to the people. He said they used stencils with a whole name on it and that helped speed things along. The exco members together with painter Themba Ngqanda said the aim was to get something that will be longer-lasting.

Themba Ngqanda shows his preparation work of scraping out the old paint. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

The PRA members said donations are still welcome as there are many other projects in the pipeline to improve the area.

Details: Parkview Residents’ Association

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