Grade 1s introduced to DSJ through enrolment ceremony

PARKTOWN – Grade 1s at the Deutsche Internationale Schule attended a fun enrolment ceremony at school recently.

Grade 1s at the Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg in Parktown celebrated their ‘Einschulungsfeier’ (enrolment ceremony) recently.

Vice-principal at the primary school Lisa Vosters explained the ritual, “When children enter primary school, there is a special ceremony. Each child receives a special cone with school goodies and treats to remember their entrance into their special school career.”

Grade 1 Ella Nysschen enjoys her first day of a big school with her parents Karen and Dean Nysschen. Photo: Supplied

“The cone is called a ‘Zuckertüte’ [sugar bag] and this symbolises the start of school. These cones are made by the children in school and packed by the teachers.”

Maya Ludwig celebrated her first day of school with her sister Lwazi Madlopa (DSJ Class of 2019) and mother Mmapula Ludwig. Photo: Supplied

Vosters said that Grade 4 children also prepare a theatre piece with songs and text to explain some kind of aspect of learning as part of the introduction.

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