Caregivers indulge in deserved five-star treatment

ROSEBANK – Running around and getting grocery items for about 15 000 children is not easy, which is why the 73 caregivers at NCCF were given a five-star acknowledgement treat.

Caregivers from 73 charities were acknowledged by Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation (NCCF) through a five-star treatment at the Hyatt Hotel in Rosebank.

The caregivers of charities based in townships and informal settlements in and around Johannesburg were honoured for their dedication in looking after more than 500 children with minimal financial support during 2019.

Operations director at NCCF, Helen Fraser said for her it was about the children and their needs, “They need education and you can’t teach a hungry child.”

Operation director at Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation, Helen Fraser encourages caregivers to prioritise children. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

She added that buying groceries for the many organisations which include orphanages, day-care centres, crèches and safe houses among others, is just one charitable aspect that the foundation focuses on.

The foundation currently assists about 15 000 children with almost 600 000 meals every month; supplies uniforms and assists with additions as well as renovations of classrooms and homes according to Fraser. Fraser said the NCCF doesn’t believe in handing over cheques to organisations and then walking away thinking the problem is solved but rather that it be run as ‘sustainable living foundation’. Therefore, the team of ‘expert shoppers and volunteers’ who run around getting charity requirements together were treated to a buffet meal with refreshments and dessert at the hotel.

Directors at Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation – Phumza Capa, Helen Fraser with Salome Barker, Liezel Pienaar in front of Rudi Steenkamp – enjoy a five-star treatment with the caregivers. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

“I would say that more than half of the caregivers and many of their staff don’t earn anything for the hard work they do. Many of them have turned their own homes into safe houses, orphanages, day-care centres or crèches, so this lunch is a way of honouring those people and acknowledging the selfless work they do in their communities.”

With a number of ambitious projects on the cards for this year, it’s looking to be a big year for the NCCF as they look to extend their influence and goodwill to the underprivileged children of South Africa.

Details:Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation; 011 232 8000.

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