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LifeLine Johannesburg celebrates half a century creatively

JOHANNESBURG – LifeLine offers many opportunities to have a real connection with another person.

Last year LifeLine Johannesburg turned 50. Instead of baking a cake, staff and counsellors turned to art materials and the joy of self-expression.

The Norwood-based non-profit organisation was launched in 1969 and staff and counsellors created a patchwork mural to commemorate its 50th anniversary. Pieces of unbleached calico and some art materials were left in the office for participants to collect and decorate as they wished. They were asked to depict what their journey at LifeLine has meant to them, what the organisation represents or what is special about it.

“LifeLine is itself a patchwork of many different personalities who either come to work or volunteer here,” said counselling manager Nicole Imerman.

“The organisation thrives on diversity. People bring different life experiences to their work here in supporting the community. Each person is like a unique burst of colour or design.”

The project was coordinated by volunteer counsellor, Mark Thornton-Dibb.

Hard work, passion and compassion are some of the common themes, both in the counselling journey and on the mural, Thornton-Dibb explained. He added that LifeLine offers many opportunities to have a heart connection with another human being.

Each year LifeLine Johannesburg offers personal growth and counselling courses and if participants make it through both, they can graduate to become interns at LifeLine and begin a period of voluntary hours in which they both practise their skills and give back to the community.

Some ‘Jubilee’ interns sign up out of general interest while for others it is career-driven.

Paula Quinsee said she joined on both a personal and professional level to help her be more effective as a life coach. “Learning to tap into my emotions and those of people I am counselling is a valuable skill at LifeLine and in my practice.

“It renders me available for the person sitting in front of me. Everyone needs to take a step back and reflect on their journey in life, the progress they have made, obstacles they have overcome and influences that have shaped them. The LifeLine course provides the space to do this and readies you for the next steps in the journey.”

For intern Jeremy Kahn, the value was the guidance of a mentor. “My biggest development has been in starting to accept and care for myself,” he said.

“What made this possible was the love and respect shown by facilitators and fellow group members.”

He added that he wholeheartedly recommends the training to others as the growth and counselling courses are invaluable. “The group provides a safe, trusting and non-judgemental environment to be vulnerable, to confide in others and learn.”

If you would like to join the counselling community and provide meaningful support to others, learn more about yourself, connect with others, and integrate valuable skills that are beneficial both personally or in the workplace, contact LifeLine Johannesburg for more information.

The upcoming personal growth and interpersonal skills course starts in February 2020.

Details: LifeLine Johannesburg 011 728 1331.

Share your well wishes for LifeLine Johannesburg on their 50-year milestone by commenting on the North Eastern Tribune Facebook page.

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