South African Police Union issue stern warning about crime hot sports

JOHANNESBURG – Students find themselves securing accommodations in crime-ridden areas such as in Hillbrow.

The South African Police Union is concerned about students who will be coming to Johannesburg in pursuit of their studies and urged them to be careful of their surroundings.

The union urged them to be extra cautious especially in the areas that they will be living in, claiming they tend to be targeted by criminals, especially drug lords.

The union is calling on post-matric students from outside the urban areas to utilise the only university or college accredited accommodation facilities.

According to the union’s general secretary Tumelo Mogodiseng, the union has noted with concern that some young people get involved in criminal activities by securing accommodation in crime hot spot areas.

“We are not by any means undermining the intelligence of students from the rural areas, however, the reality is like the situation of young people who are sent abroad to ferry drugs unaware, and most students from rural areas are caught up in crime, dealing in drugs unaware because of ignorance,” said Mogodiseng.

“In the urban areas, students would find themselves securing accommodation in areas where crime is the order of the day such as in Hillbrow in Johannesburg. We are raising this issue because we know that some desperate students will fall victim to drug lords.”

“We have encountered sad situations where we arrested young and promising students who were found to be on the wrong side of the law unintentionally. We want to cut the source of breeding young criminals long before they grow.”

Details: South African Police Union 082 604 2158.

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