Highlands North Boys’ High School gets new ‘cost-saving’ lights

HIGHLANDS NORTH – The project will certainly assist to save money on the school's municipal account.

Highlands North Boys’ High School‘s former learners installed new power-saving lights during the holidays to help the school reduce costs.

The ‘old boys’, as the former learners are known, have formed a committee that will look at various ways of giving back to their school and recently completed their first project – installing LED lights to enable the school to save on rates and taxes – which was proposed to the school’s management earlier in last year.

School governing body chairperson Chris Bosielo said. “They started installing the lights in December and now the project has been successfully completed.

“We are glad that the old boys are giving back to the school and we’re also glad that the project was a success. This will certainly assist in terms of saving money on the school’s municipal account…we also hope that the next project will also yield the same results.”

He said the next project – installing boreholes – has not yet started but hopes to discuss the plan and details of the project with their committee.

Bosielo added that the school is ready for the new academic year and looks forward to welcoming new and old boys at the school. He said they are confident about the matric results coming out on 7 January. “We expect to get 100 per cent pass rate considering that during the preliminary exams in September 2019 we attained 96.46 per cent.

“We want to kick-start the year on a high note and further take back the school to its glory days in every respect, including academically as well as in sport.”

The school wishes all the 2019 matric candidates well and hope they succeed in future.

Details: Chris Bosielo 078 361 8445.

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