Here’s how to lighten the load on your electricity bill

There is no reason to overindulge on your electricity consumption.

As we are enjoying the holidays we tend to forget about saving electricity, no-one has the time or effect to worry about saving anything especially water and lights. Well, there is no reason to overindulge on your electricity consumption.

We asked AbaQulusi Municipality’s Thinus Franzsen for some festive tips to save on your electricity bill these holidays and here’s what he had to share with us:

“For example,” he explained, “a 100-count string of incandescent mini lights runs at 40 watts, while a 70-count of 5mm wide angle LEDs is approximately 4.8 watts total. In fact, because incandescent wattage is 80-90% more than LED wattage, the cost to power an incandescent can be up to 90 times greater than powering an LED.”


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