Sapra sums up all the year’s hot topics

SAXONWOLD – The various Sapra portfolios have played their roles throughout the year making it possible to achieve set goals.

According to the Saxonwold and Parkwood Residents Association (Sapra) the 2018/2019 year has been a very consuming one.

Sapra chairperson Tessa Turvey said the association’s ongoing portfolios of the Parks included Zoo Lake (through the Zoo Lake Users Committee (ZLUC) and Fearnhead Park, Town Planning and Heritage, security and CPF, community service, A Re Sebetseng and the Green team.

These were supported by their finance, website/database and overall administrator, Caryn Turnbull.

Turvey said ZLUC had been doing exceptional work against all odds in actioning their Erosion Project as well as the repainting of benches at Zoo Lake. This has been well-advertised and attended by community members wanting to make a difference. Town planning applications have been relatively low compared to previous years but more applications for development have been evident.

“Hot topics over the last year include the PSHB [Polyphageous Shot Hole Borer] beetle infestation. Through much discussion and media debate, the PSHB infestation continues unabated. There is an approved fungicide being used by some residents which appears to be deterring the beetles as long as the trees continue being sprayed, however, the long-term effects of this are yet to be determined,” said Turvey.

Concerning illegal outdoor advertising, Sapra was pleased to see the removal of a large billboard that was illegally erected at Zoo Lake within a week of it going up. Turvey added that the deluge of illegal outdoor advertising that had gone up across the city was a massive issue that the City of Joburg was having difficulty dealing with.

“Discussions are ongoing with cell phone mast applicants and we have asked them to fully re-assess the mapping of their applied sites given strides made in technology, and to incorporate user-growth in years to come.”

The chairperson concluded, “Sapra continues operating with a passionate and dedicated committee and, as this year was my last as chair, going forward the responsibility will be rotated between existing committee members and is held by longstanding committee member, Costa Qually. “Wishing all members of the Saxonwold and Parkwood Community a very safe, happy and restful holiday period. Remember, if you want to see the change in your community, it starts with you.”

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