
Two hijackers behind bars

SANDRINGHAM – An effort by authorities led to the apprehending of two alleged hijackers and recovery of the firearm.

Two men who allegedly hijacked a motor vehicle in Glenhazel are behind bars following an extensive effort by police, Metro police and CAP security guards.

On November 8, at about 3.30 pm two suspects aged between 28 and 31 years old allegedly hijacked a motor vehicle in the suburb.

During the incident, the suspects pointed a firearm at their terrified victim and managed to drive away with the vehicle.

Although this had seemed like a quick take and go, it didn’t, however, end well for the two men as the security guards gave chase. The chase prompted the suspects to abandon the vehicle and flee on foot.

“They then jumped into one of the yards along Watson Street in Glenhazel,” said Sandringham police spokesperson Captain Mohlaume Mamabolo. He added that the security officers called for backup and when the suspects realised that they were cornered, they started shooting at the security officers. Before the police arrived, one of the security officers was wounded in the leg.

The situation escalated when the suspects who refused to back down managed to take the security officers’ vehicle and fled the scene.

The recovered firearm and some of the items taken from security officers during a hijacking in Glenhazel. Photo: Supplied.

“They abandoned the security vehicle on the corner of Aucamp and Erasmus Street in Bramley View,” said Mamabolo.

He said the suspects tried to run on foot along Greenville and London roads but Metro police and police officers and CAP security guards were already at the scene and apprehended the suspects.

“One suspect was found in possession of an unlicensed firearm with ammunition and property belonging to a security officer. One suspect who was shot has been arrested and is under police guard at the hospital while the other is behind bars,” he said.

The suspects are facing charges of hijacking, attempted murder and possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition.

Police have warned communities to be vigilant at all times.

Safety tips:

  • Always be alert when driving. If you suspect that you are being followed by a suspicious vehicle, drive to the nearest police station or call the Saps emergency number 10111.
  • Increase your caution at intersections. Always be on the lookout for people loitering around your vehicle or for any sudden activity around your car.
  • Do not ask for directions from a stranger, instead ask law enforcement officers.
  • Do not be a hero, your life is worth more than anything.

Details: Sandringham Police Station client service centre 011 719 4821/2/3.

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