Women to the Bone campaign launched

ROSEBANK – The spotlight was shined on the irony of women being the backbone of society yet being more prone to bone health issues.


In celebration of World Osteoporosis Day 20 October, Ascendis Health and MenaCal.7, a local calcium supplement, unveiled the powerful and visually spectacular Woman to the Bone campaign.

The campaign was launched at the Momo Kuro, Secret Stairway in Rosebank. The drive reflected on the fact that women were the backbone of society but the sad irony is that women’s bones were more susceptible to calcium deficiency and bone health issues. Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which the bones become weak and delicate.

Head of marketing at Ascendis Health, Roberta Donovan said through research they learnt that a lot of younger people took calcium supplements as much as adults and there was a huge need for muscle and bone products.

“Calcium deficiency affects more women than men and factors like pregnancy and menopause lead to bone weakness. Women carry the nation on their backs and are more active in driving social change, therefore, they need to look after their health,” Donovan said.

Head of marketing at Ascendis Health, Roberta Donovan invites readers to nominate their Woman to the Bone. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

She also chatted to the three MenaCal.7 ambassadors about their own personal experiences and where they drew inspiration from.

Former Generations actress Refiloe Seseane said she agreed to be an ambassador because she drew inspiration from the beneficiaries of the campaign. “Seeing what the parents in single-headed homes go through inspired me. I grew up not knowing much about women’s bone health, so, that lack of knowledge motivated me to acquire information [about women’s bone health] on behalf of the young women who battle without knowledge so that they can invest in their health,” added Seseane.

Ambassador for MenaCal.7 Refiloe Seseane draws inspiration from single parents. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

TV presenter Leanne Manas said the biggest thing that drove her besides her family, who were number one, was her love for the country. Manas said, “As long as I have the mic attached to my face, I will use that for good, to reach out to the corners of the earth where other people without voices cannot reach.”

TV presenter Leanne Manas promises to use her voice for the voiceless. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Former Miss South Africa (2012) Amy Kleinhans-Curd encouraged women to make their goals so big they have to grow into them and also ‘make ourselves future-fit financially, spiritually and health-wise’.

Former Miss South Africa (2012) Amy Kleinhans-Curd encourages all-round fitness. Photo: Naidine Sibanda


Former Miss South Africa (2012) Amy Kleinhans-Curd is stunned by her 3D Woman to the Bone visual potrayal. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

MenaCal.7 acknowledged one of their beneficiaries that they supported, The Clothing Bank. According to founder Tracey Chambers, it is a non-profit organisation that helps unemployed women become socially and financially independent.

Head of marketing at Ascendis Health, Roberta Donovan chats to the three MenaCal.7 ambassadors Leanne Manas, Amy Kleinhans-Curd and Refiloe Seseane . Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Readers are encouraged to nominate one individual they consider to be an unacknowledged Woman to the Bone – an unsung hero and inspiration to South Africa and she could win R20 000 in cash to further her purposeful work.

Details: Visit www.menacal7.co.za to make your nomination.

Do you think there should be a lot more investment on health? Share your thoughts on Facebook at Rosebank Killarney Gazette

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