JMPD issues a stern warning to disruptive liquor outlets

YEOVILLE – Owners need to be mindful of people residing close to their businesses.

Restaurants and liquor outlets have been urged to be mindful of people residing within their perimeters or expect a visit from the police.

Johannesburg Metro police spokesperson, Superintendent Wayne Minnaar issued this stern warning after complaints from Yeoville residents about a nearby restaurant’s disruptive conduct led to a recent Metro police raid of various businesses.

Public representative councillor in Ward 64, Joshua Apfel, said residents complained to him about disruptive noises during weekends from a restaurant situated in a block of flats. The complaints were then escalated to the authorities.

“[Residents] complain that the noise goes all through the night, especially from Thursdays to Sundays or even until the early hours of Monday mornings,” Apfel said.

“They said they have complained to the owner but it fell on deaf ears.”

Residents don’t mind that the restaurant operates in the area, but they want the owner to be mindful and considerate that it is located in a residential area.

Minnaar also advised business owners to be considerate, “They need to keep in mind that people who live close to their premises also have their own lives and they can’t be subjected to such unbearable noise throughout the night.

He explained that ‘if they continue to play unbearable loud noise’, JMPD will have to intervene, which also means that officers will confiscate the restaurant/liquor outlet’s equipment. JMPD works with other law enforcement agencies, he added, and when they come through, they check also the owners comply with City by-laws. This includes, but is not limited, to issues of fire extinguishers.

Minnaar has advised residents who might be experiencing a similar problem to contact JMPD and report their ordeal.

Details: Johannesburg Metro Police Department 011 375 5911.

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