
Police seek witnesses to testify

JOHANNESBURG – The witnesses will help determine what really happened.

Johannesburg police are calling for witnesses of an accident in which deputy state attorney Tswaledi Sekwati was killed, to come forward.

Sekwati, who was blind, was knocked down by a taxi on the corner of Pritchard and Kruis streets on 9 September.

According to the police, any witnesses will be of great assistance in the culpable homicide case which is being heard in the Johannesburg Magistrates’ Court.

Captain Xoli Mbele, the spokesperson for the Johannesburg Central Police Station, said the 38-year-old prosecutor was knocked down while crossing the road. The deceased was carrying a stick used by blind people, he added.

“We seek assistance from any witnesses who will assist us to put together evidence and who will further help us understand what exactly happened since it’s only the driver’s side [of the incident] and the victim is dead,” Mbele said.

“On that day, the CCTV cameras were not working so we need witnesses to either corroborate the driver’s statement or otherwise. So it is important for us to get those witnesses so that they will explain to the court what exactly happened.”

The speed limit in the CBD is 60km/h and the police will also be engaging with professionals who will help determine what speed the driver was travelling at the time of the accident.

Anyone with information can contact Detective Warrant Officer Lennox of Johannesburg Central Detectives on 082 871 4876 or 011 497 7342.

Details: Johannesburg police 011 497 7000.

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