Mayor Mashaba to address committee on immigration

JOBURG – The City's mayor is set to address Parliament’s Portfolio Committee for Home Affairs on the immigration crisis.

Executive Mayor for the City of Johannesburg Herman Mashaba said he was pleased parliament’s Portfolio Committee for Home Affairs has granted his request to address the committee on the immigration crisis facing the City. 

His address will be on 22 October and he said he would be touching on issues of undocumented immigration in the hopes that the Department of Home Affairs addresses the issue by ‘identification and processing of undocumented immigrants and the inappropriate circumstances that legal documentation can be expeditiously provided to those who qualify’.

Mashaba said he had attempted to address the issue with previous Home Affairs ministers before but nothing had come out of it.

He added the immigration issue had strained the health sector in the city. A report released by the City’s Health Department found that between 15 per cent to 39 per cent accessing healthcare from the City’s clinics were undocumented immigrants. He hoped his address would find solutions.

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