Savoy business community cry foul over municipal work neglect

SAVOY – Authorities promise to investigate and put remedies if needed.


Savoy business owners are worried about an unfinished Johannesburg Water project near their shops and want the utility to complete it before the rainy season.

According to the business community along Barwin Avenue, contractors dug a hole to install a water pipe and left without properly filling in the hole.

A local business owner who wished to remain anonymous, claimed that the contractors dug the hole in April this year and only filled it with soil and never came back. He said they had made inquiries with the utility but to no avail.

“We then decided to approach the North Eastern Tribune as our community paper to assist us because no one is taking responsibility for this,” said the business owner.

“Though this has not yet affected our businesses financially, we anticipate the worst soon considering it is now the rainy season. The rain will wash away the soil and who knows what will happen then.”

When the Tribune contacted Ward 74 councillor David Fisher on 10 September, he promised to investigate.

“I’m currently at an event at James and Ethel Gray Park and I will check with the relevant department and respond as soon as I have information,” said Fisher.

Johannesburg Water spokesperson Eleanor Mavimbela said they would send their team to check and find out what needed to be done.

“We didn’t know about this but we will investigate and apply remedies if needed,” she said.

Details: David Fisher 082 822 6070.

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