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Women and men stand against violence

GREENSIDE – Dozens of people from all walks of life gathered in solidarity to convey a very strong message regarding the scourge of violence in the country.


A group of people gathered on 4 September, at Pirates Club in Greenside calling it a ‘spontaneous gathering’ and not a protest but standing in solidarity with women who have lost their lives through femicide and gender-based violence.

This week, South Africa has heard about violent attacks on women. One such story is the high-profile case of Western Cape University of Cape Town student Uyinene Mrwetyana murdered allegedly by a post office worker as she was dropping off a parcel. Missing for days, the hashtag #FindNene trended nationwide and touched many, the shocking news earlier this week that her killer had confessed to killing and raping her stunned many.

At this gathering, words spoke louder. Mrwetyna’s last social media post was of an image that read, ‘Women don’t owe you sh*t’ and the statement was widely used by protesters as they walked from Braeside Road in Greenside through to 4th Avenue in Parkhurst.

Dozens of people march along 4th Avenue in Parkhurst with messages against violence and abuse. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

One of the organisers of the gathering, Alexandra Sparrow said, “It’s been incredible and amazing to see such a lot of people joining for a very just cause. It’s so hectic how South Africa is crying; the women are crying. Hopefully, people are now finally taking a stand and I just really hope that us standing here shouting, screaming and showing what we believe in brings awareness to everyone.”

She added that the peaceful protest was about everyone and anyone who is directly affected by the abuse and the violence. Sparrow said that although the group had directed the invite of the march mostly at women, to see so many men who had turned up was incredible.

Mothers also plead with sons to respect lives. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

“There are children, teenagers and some men who get affected by the scourge of violence and it’s insane how people turn a blind eye to it.”

It was a spark of a conversation and outrage as repeated cases of murder, rape and kidnapping of women are publicised, and organisers of ‘Women don’t owe you sh*t’ took their own stand with dozens of people wearing T-shirts and banners with bold statements.

Some food for thought for perpetrators of violence. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

This peaceful spontaneous gathering may be a start of many, creating awareness for the suffering women face on a day-to-day basis.

A lot needs to be said concerning women abuse and the people gathered at the peaceful protest say it. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Share your suggested solutions to the scourge of violence on twitter @RK_Gazette

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