WATCH – People take a stand in Greenside against femicide #AmINext?

GREENSIDE – The peaceful protest is to create awareness for the suffering women face on a day to day basis.

A group of people gathered this afternoon, 4 September, at Pirates Club in Greenside calling it a ‘ spontaneous gathering’ and not as a protest but standing in solidarity with women who have lost their lives through femicide and gender-based violence. 

This week South Africa has heard about violent attacks on women, one such story is the high profile case in Western Cape of UCT student Uyinene Mrwetyana murdered allegedly by a Post Office worker as she was dropping off a parcel. Missing for days the hashtag #FindNene trended nationwide and touched many, the shocking news earlier this week that her killer had confessed to killing and raping her stunned many.

It was a spark of a conversation and outrage as repeated cases of murder, rape and kidnapping of women was publicised, and organisers of ‘Women don’t owe you shit’ took their own stand with dozens of people wearing T-shirts and banners with bold statements.

WARNING: Some posters may express explicit language. 


Our sister publication Sandton Chronicle was at a similar protest on Saturday (31 August), SA Women fight back,  they held a silent protest to raise awareness about the violence women are subjected to sparked by the murder of Meghan Cramer.

Tina Redman and Mjele Msimang hold bold statements speaking against gender-based violence. Photo: Bronwyn Goddard

This gathering words spoke louder, Mrwetayna last social media post was of an image that read, ‘Women don’t owe you shit’ and the statement was widely used by protesters.

Jade Spencer and Ashley Gibbon say ‘Hands off’ our women. Photo: Bronwyn Goddard

This peaceful spontaneous gathering may be a start of many, creating awareness for the suffering women face on a day to day basis.

Don’t miss the next Rosebank Killarney Gazette newspaper for exclusive to print photos. 

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