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CHOC’s 40th anniversary

RANDPARK – The organisation held its annual Golf Day at Randpark Golf Club to mark the very special occasion.

It is said that superheroes do not always wear capes. Sometimes, they are found trying to change the world by ensuring that a child gets to live out their dreams one healthy day at a time.

One such hero is the Childhood Cancer Foundation in South Africa, more commonly known as CHOC. The organisation celebrated its 40th year anniversary by hosting their annual Golf Day at Randpark Golf Club on 8 August. Its business development manager, Linda Moore said the event was a way for them to do something for some of their loyal supporters and donors. Moore explained that what has kept them going for the last 40 years is their reputation,

“We have a great reputation, we have done fantastic work through the years and made sure that the children and their families have the support they need.”

There to support were stakeholders and supporters of the foundation who spent the day on the greens, celebrating 40 years of trying to save lives and supporting those in need.

A golfer plays an intense game of golf, all in the aid of CHOC. Photo: Neo Phashe

CHOC’s dream for the next 40 years is to ensure that every child that has cancer is diagnosed early enough. “Survival rates internationally are 80 to 90 per cent and in this country, they are bordering on 55 per cent,” said Moore.

CHOC celebrates 40 years of service through their annual Golf Day held at Randpark Golf. Photo: Neo Phashe

Their hope is to make sure that every single child living with cancer is diagnosed and is able to access treatment at a pediatric oncology unit and receive the emotional and financial support they need to make sure a child completes their treatment cycle.

Taryn Seegers with Linda Moore and Tamsin Gillman from CHOC are happy about the difference the organisation adds to the community. Photo: Neo Phashe

On the evening of the golf day, CHOC held a prize-giving dinner where they received a cheque for R1 million from Vodacom Super Rugby who had pledged that for the beneficiary of the Vodacom Super Rugby 2019 through tackling cancer initiative,” she shared. Adding that for every tackle, R100 was donated to the organisation.

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