Lend a hand to restore Zoo Lake on 17 August

PARKVIEW – Community members are encouraged to participate in the next volunteer day to prevent erosion at Zoo Lake on 17 August.


Community members are urged to join the next volunteer day at Zoo Lake on 17 August.

Following the success of the previous volunteer day on 1 June, where almost 100 community members, schoolchildren, Zoo Lake Users Committee members and workers of City Parks joined hands to start the first three phases of the erosion project, locals are encouraged to lend a hand for the next phase.

The first volunteer day saw volunteers install terraced logs to restore the banks around the lake.

Chairperson of the Zoo Lake Users Committee Fran Haslam said the next step of the erosion project was to place composted soil in the terraced areas and plant seedlings and propagated plants.

“We have come this far because of the kind donations of money and time from the public and we are appealing to community members to again assist with helping us complete our vision,” said Haslam.

Morné Klienhans, Melissa Klienhans, Sam Klienhans, Simon Mussett and Henri Findt of The Ridge School community assist in the erosion project at Zoo Lake on 1 June. Photo: Sarah Koning

She added that community members are encouraged to donate bags of soil or send donations to the Zoo Lake Users Committee. “We aim to collect 1 000 bags of soil by the next volunteer day. A bag of composted soil costs R35 which is the price of a cup of coffee.

“If we all take this one step towards helping Zoo Lake recover, we can reach our goals for the first three phases, complete with soil and foliage.

“With spring just around the corner, our hard work and effort will quickly reward us. Imagine how beautiful this part of Zoo Lake will look in summer.”

The volunteer day will commence at 9am and run until 1pm on 17 August.

Community members who wish to volunteer are urged to confirm their attendance by emailing Fran at haslamfran@gmail.com

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